Category Archives: Fertility Diet

Investing in the Best Prenatal Vitamin: Why Methylated Folate Matters

Garnet Moon Fertility Center Denver. Why not all prenatal vitamins are created equal. Get the best prenatal with methylfolate.

Why not all prenatals are created equal. 

We all know that good nutrition is essential for a healthy pregnancy. But did you know that the weeks before and at the start of your pregnancy are some of the most crucial? That’s why it’s essential to start taking prenatal vitamins well before you conceive. Of all the dietary supplements, folate is arguably the most important. However, not all folate supplements are created equal. In this post, we’ll explore why methylated folate is the best type of folate to take for maximum benefit in the lead-up to conceiving and throughout your pregnancy. Investing in the Best Prenatal Vitamin | Garnet Moon Fertility Center.

The Importance of Methylated Folate: A Key Factor for Preconception and Pregnancy.

  • When preparing for conception and maintaining a healthy pregnancy, one vitamin stands out above the rest: methylated folate. Experts recommend taking this crucial vitamin for 3-6 months before trying to conceive and continuing throughout pregnancy.
  • Not all folate is created equal. Many people can only absorb folate if it is in its methylated form. This means that folic acid, a synthetic vitamin, may not be as effective as “methylated folate,” which occurs naturally.
  • By prioritizing the correct form of folate, you can optimize your chances of conception and promote the well-being of both mother and baby throughout the pregnancy.

Here’s Why.

One in three women has a gene variant that impacts how they convert folate, which makes folic acid fortification less ideal.

This variation means some women require a more bioavailable form of folate, such as methylated folate, that they can more readily use to support their baby’s growth and development. Without this bioavailable form, it’s difficult for the body to convert folic acid into the active form of the vitamin that provides its many benefits.

Methylated folate is the active folate that your body can use immediately and efficiently. It helps promote healthy brain and spinal cord development and supports your baby’s growth and development.

Methylated folate is, therefore, the recommended type of folate to take for maximum benefit if you’re trying to conceive.

Discovering the MTHFR Gene: Understanding its Significance in Folate Processing.

  • The MTHFR gene, short for Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase, plays a crucial role in instructing your body to produce the MTHFR enzyme, which aids in processing folate. Inherited genetically from both parents, the combination of genes determines your specific variant.
  • Why is this important, you ask? Well, a specific gene variant, MTHFR C677T (and sometimes, its accomplice A1298C), can disrupt the conversion of the MTHFR enzyme and consequently affect how the body processes folate.
  • But just how common is this MTHFR gene variant? Around 1 in 3 women are found to have this specific gene variant. However, studies suggest that the prevalence of this variant differs among various racial groups. For instance, research shows that up to 70% of Caucasian Americans may possess this variant, while only 30% of African Americans offer the same.

So, What Are The Key Takeaways? Investing in the Best Prenatal Vitamin | Garnet Moon Fertility Center.

First, not all folate supplements are created equal. Both folic acid and methylated folate are B9 vitamins, but your body can process methylated folate more efficiently.

Secondly, one in three women has a gene variant that impacts how they convert folate, which makes methylated folate the better option.

Lastly, investing in the best prenatal vitamin with methylated folate will support your baby’s healthy growth and development, so it’s essential to start taking a supplement with methylated folate between 3-6 months before conceiving and throughout the pregnancy.

Investing in the best prenatal vitamin for maximum benefit is vital for your baby’s healthy growth and development, which means choosing methylated folate over folic acid.

Methylated folate is the active, bioavailable form that your body can use immediately and efficiently. It promotes healthy brain and spinal cord development and supports the growth and development of your baby and reduce miscarriage.

So, whether you’re trying to conceive or are already pregnant, choosing a high-quality prenatal vitamin with methylated folate will give your baby the best start.

FH Pro for Women. Egg quality, preconception preparation. Get pregnant naturally. Garnet Moon Denver. Best Fertility Expert Denver.

Where Can I Find a High Quality Prenatal?

One of my favorite prenatal supplements with methylated folate B9 vitamin is from Fairhaven Health. FH Pro is not only a prenatal but also increases egg quality for a healthier pregnancy from the very start to reduce miscarriage. Investing in the Best Prenatal Vitamin | Garnet Moon Fertility Center.


Want to learn more? Are you in the Denver or Colorado area? I offer consultations in Denver or in Parker, CO at Rocky Mountain Fertility Center or Virtually. You can book a free consultation to learn how I can assist with fertility, hormones, and reproductive health. ABORM certified acupuncture in Denver.

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What To Eat After an Embryo Transfer


Foods to Eat Before and After an Embryo Transfer.

A fertility journey is exciting yet challenging and full of unknowns; and possible heartbreaks in some situations. Proper nutrition can help ensure a successful outcome. Eating nutrient-dense foods in the right combination after transferring your embryos could increase your chances of success. 

As a fertility and women’s health expert and board-certified and licensed acupuncturist with more than 13 years of experience, I know that through healthy eating we have the ability to support our hormones and reproductive systems on this path toward motherhood—and today I will share my insights into which foods are most beneficial to eat pre and post transfer.

Lindsay Goodwin, LAc., FABORM, MSOM, BS, Dipl. OM is a Fertility and Women’s Health Expert, a Certified Fellow on The Acupuncture & TCM Board of Reproductive Medicine, and has over 13 years of clinical experience in Fertility, Women’s Health, Hormones, & Pregnancy.

Our Fertility Method

Foods to Help Increase IVF Transfer Success and Detailing Why it’s Important.

Anyone going through IVF or trying to conceive heard of consuming tons of pineapple core for the bromine enzyme it’s packed with. Studies have shown bromine to increase embryo implantation. Yes, use bromine, but also incorporate other fertility success foods. Let me explain. 

When undergoing IVF treatment, the transfer stage is a critical moment in the process. While many factors can impact the success of an IVF embryo transfer, nutrition can play a significant role. Incorporating certain foods into your diet can help improve your chances of a successful embryo transfer. These foods include those rich in protein, antioxidants, and healthy fats. Choosing the right foods can help optimize your body for a successful IVF embryo transfer. Remember that a healthy diet is just one piece of the puzzle, but it can significantly impact your overall success!

The Importance of Healthy Fats, Zinc, Folic Acid, and Antioxidants For a Successful Embryo Transfer.

Regarding embryo transfer, there are a few essential nutrients that experts recommend incorporating into your diet.

Healthy fats, such as those found in avocado and nuts, can help support the embryo’s development.

Zinc is another essential nutrient that can aid in the growth and division of cells, and it also increases progesterone levels which is one of the critical hormones for the start of a healthy pregnancy.

Folic acid, often associated with prenatal care, can also play a crucial role in the success of an embryo transfer by preventing neural tube defects.

Finally, antioxidants, such as vitamins C and E, can help to protect the developing embryo from oxidative stress.

While no one food or nutrient alone can guarantee a successful embryo transfer, ensuring that your diet includes a variety of foods rich in these critical nutrients can undoubtedly increase your chances of success.

Tips to Boost Your IVF Success with Food Choices.

Incorporating specific foods into your diet can help improve the quality of your eggs, balance hormone levels, and create a healthy environment for implantation.

Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids that can help decrease inflammation and improve egg quality.

Pumpkin seeds are high in zinc, which regulates hormone levels and supports a healthy reproductive system.

Eggs contain protein and vitamin D, essential for embryo growth and reducing the risk of miscarriage.

Dark leafy greens are packed with folate, a crucial nutrient for fetal development.

Nuts and legumes are excellent sources of plant-based protein and fiber, helping to stabilize blood sugar levels and reduce inflammation.

By making mindful food choices and incorporating these nutrient-rich foods into your diet, you can boost your IVF success and increase the likelihood of a healthy pregnancy by up to 40%!

Benefits of Omega-3 Fatty Acids for IVF Embryo Transfer Success.

Omega-3s are known for their anti-inflammatory properties and can improve the quality of eggs and the uterine environment. These essential fatty acids are found in fatty fish, nuts, and seeds but can also be supplemented.

Omega-3s have been linked to increased blood flow, hormone regulation, and reduced uterine inflammation, all of which can contribute to a successful IVF embryo transfer.

Talking to your doctor before starting any new supplement or dietary program is essential, especially when undergoing fertility treatments like IVF or when pregnant.

Ways to Include More Omega-3 Fatty Acids in Your Diet.

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential nutrients that our bodies need to function correctly. Incorporating more of them into our diets is easy. There are various ways to get your daily dose of omega-3 fatty acids, but one of the most effective is the consumption of walnuts, flaxseeds, and chia seeds. 

These foods are not only delicious but also highly nutritious. Walnuts are a tremendous alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) source, while flaxseeds and chia seeds contain omega-3. Try sprinkling flaxseeds or chia seeds on your oatmeal or organic full-fat yogurt. And next time you need a snack, reach for a handful of walnuts; they nourish your and your baby’s brain too! 

Simple changes like these to your diet can boost fertility and promote a healthy pregnancy.

How These Foods Can Make an Impact on Fertility & An Embryo Transfer.

Foods high in antioxidants, such as organic berries and cooked leafy greens, can improve egg quality and reduce the risk of miscarriage. It does start with the egg for a healthy pregnancy! 

Additionally, consuming foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, like wild-caught salmon and chia seeds, can increase blood flow to the uterus and improve the embryo’s chance of implantation. 

A healthy diet can not only aid in conception, but it can also support a healthy pregnancy and the development of a happy, healthy baby.

Your fertility success can be greatly improved with vibrant, healthy diet choices! As a 13-year fertility and women’s health expert, I highly recommend consuming foods high in omega-3 fatty acids such as salmon, pumpkin seeds, organic eggs, organic cooked dark leafy greens, nuts, and legumes to improve your IVF and fertility success. 

Increasing folic acid intake could also buffer any potential problems associated with IVF. Adding walnuts, flaxseeds, and chia seeds to your diet is an excellent way to increase your omega-3 fatty acid levels. Remember that food choices are essential for improving the success rate for embryo transfers and boosting overall fertility.

Fertility issues can seem daunting, including the two-week wait after your embryo transfer, but if you take the opportunity to make significant changes in your lifestyle to include healthier food options and consult experts like myself to increase your fertility and healthy pregnancy success, you will dramatically improve your conception. 

Make sure to take advantage of this powerful method because food is medicine when it comes to improving pregnancy success rates through IVF treatments. So don’t wait – schedule an appointment with me today to get started on increasing your success!

Want to learn more? I can help you if you are in the Denver area at my Denver-based clinic or from anywhere in the world; book a complimentary consult with me to learn more about how I can increase your fertility success and my highly successful signature Fertility program, The Garnet Moon Fertility Method!

Best Fertility Acupuncture | Garnet Moon Denver.

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Higher Fertility Fertilization Rates: Blood Supply & Circulation.

ABORM certified acupuncture in Denver. Why choosing the right certified fellow gives you higher success rates.

Higher Fertility Fertilization Rates: Blood Supply & Circulation.

Why Blood Supply & Healthy Oxygen Levels Matter For Fertility Success. Learn why blood supply and healthy oxygen levels are important for fertility success, and the fantastic benefits of Fertility Acupuncture. Discover why eggs from follicles with optimal blood supply and oxygen levels have higher fertilization rates in both natural conception and IVF. Best Fertility Acupuncture | Garnet Moon Denver.

As a Fertility and Women’s Health Expert, a Certified Fellow on The Acupuncture & TCM Board of Reproductive Medicine, and over 13 years of clinical experience, I can share some great tips on increasing your uterine lining. 

Our Fertility Method

The Role of Blood Flow & Oxygenation in Fertility.

Blood flow and oxygen are essential for healthy ovaries and egg production. The better the blood flow to the ovaries, the higher egg quality, and the higher embryo quality, which contributes to more successful pregnancies. Studies have shown that eggs from follicles with optimal blood supply and oxygen levels have higher fertilization rates in both natural conception and IVF cycles. This indicates that blood flow may be essential in successful Fertility outcomes.

It is also possible that some women may not be producing enough viable eggs due to poor quality of the ovarian environment, which can lead to decreased fertilization rates or diminished egg quality (DOR). Various factors, including aging, genetics, lifestyle choices, or hormonal imbalances, can cause poor ovarian health. A decrease in ovarian health can lead to difficulty conceiving naturally and lower success rates with assisted reproductive technology (ART) such as IVF.

Once the egg is fertilized from an environment with optimal blood supply & oxygen, then the embryo has a better chance of developing into a viable pregnancy.

How Can We Increase Egg Quality?

Aging is a significant factor in egg quality, so it is essential to take steps early on to ensure your Fertility remains intact over time. Women can boost their egg count with supplements such as CoQ10, melatonin, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamin D3. 

But, it is crucial to note you should discuss any supplements or additions to your healthcare routine with your medical doctor first, especially if you are being treated for a medical condition, on meditations, or undergoing a medicated Fertility cycle. 

Additionally, lifestyle modifications such as regular exercise and eating a balanced diet full of fruits and vegetables can go a long way toward maintaining good overall health—including your reproductive health! Stress management techniques such as yoga or meditation can also help reduce stress levels known to affect Fertility outcomes.

It’s clear that optimal blood flow & oxygenation plays an essential role in Fertility; fortunately, there are many ways women can increase their chances of conceiving naturally or through ART treatments like IVF by taking measures now to boost their overall health – including their reproductive health! Taking proactive steps now could make all the difference when it comes time for you or someone you love to start trying for a family; understanding how blood flow & oxygenation affects Fertility will give you greater control over your reproductive destiny!

Fertility Acupuncture has been shown to increase blood supply significantly in the ovaries and endometrium (lining of the uterus). In fact, Fertility Acupuncture can increase your chances of achieving a healthy pregnancy by up to 60%! More on Fertility Acupuncture in a second… 

IVF support certified fertility acupuncture for IVF and IUI. Increase success by up to 70%!

What is Fertility Acupuncture and TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine)? 

Acupuncture and TCM have been used for thousands of years to increase longevity and wellness. But recently, about 15 years ago, Acupuncture took on a whole new face when introduced into the world of modern science and medicine for Fertility, Women’s Health, and Pregnancy. This is where Fertility Acupuncture was born into modern science medicine when fertility clinics and medical doctors started recognizing and integrating this ancient and highly effective healing modality into the success rates of their fertility treatments. 

Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese medical practice with over 2,000 years of history. It is designed to stimulate the body’s natural ability to heal itself by providing access to the life force known as Qi – pronounced ‘chee’ – that circulates through pathways called meridians in the body.

Ultra-fine, sterile, highest-quality needles along these pathways on the body send signals to the body to influence blood flow and release blocking biochemicals such as endorphins. With increased blood flow and better circulation, the body is functioning at a higher state of wellness and producing better egg quality and fertility success. 

Fertility Acupuncture can significantly enhance a fertility journey with higher success rates! One massive benefit of using Fertility Acupuncture while TTC (trying to conceive) or undergoing ART (IVF, IUI, FET, or medicated fertility treatments) is improved blood flow and circulation, which generates better results for healthier follicles, eggs, embryos, and healthier pregnancy rates. In addition, Fertility Acupuncture also gives the body access to all its natural healing mechanisms, such as diminishing inflammation and pain, balancing hormones, activating the body’s biological responses, recovering faster from IVF and fertility drug cycles, balancing emotions, and strengthening the immune system. Healthy Blood Flow For Fertility Success! Best Fertility Acupuncture | Garnet Moon Denver.

Egg Quality In The TCM Clinic: Best Fertility Acupuncture | Garnet Moon Denver.

Egg quality in the TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) clinic falls under three categories of the kidney energy, which in TCM is the genetics, life force, & root of Fertility.

Kidney Jing Deficiency: 
    • In this category, women have DOR (diminished ovarian reserve – low AMH), poor response to IVF stimulation for egg collection, low estrogen, irregular cycle, thin endometrium, no distinct change to BBT chart of LH surge or change to luteal phase, poor egg quality, & few embryos.
Kidney Yin Deficiency: 
    • Most commonly seen infertility in the USA is due to stress, diet, lifestyle, & more women starting families in their 30’s & 40’s. In this category, women have higher FSH & lower AMH (egg quality), lower estrogen, a shorter follicular phase, thin endometrium, poor egg quality & embryos.
Kidney Yang Deficiency:
    • Shorter menstrual cycle with luteal phase defect, low progesterone levels in mid-cycle, slow embryo growth in IVF, more common for biochemical pregnancies (low HCG), & higher miscarriage due to the body not being able to hold the Pregnancy from poor progesterone levels.

Want to learn more? I can help you if you are in the Denver area at my Denver-based clinic or from anywhere in the world; book a complimentary consult with me to learn more about how I can increase your fertility success and my highly successful signature fertility program, The Garnet Moon Fertility Method!

Best Fertility Acupuncture | Garnet Moon Denver.

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Thin Uterine Lining? Increase it Fast!


Thin Uterine Lining? Increase it Fast!

Your uterine lining has to be just right before your upcoming embryo transfer; the thickness and quality of your uterine lining often are one of the most significant fundamental factors in whether or not your doctor can move forward with your fertility cycle or cancel. Hearing the words, “We may need to cancel this cycle and reschedule for a future transfer date,” is devastating. Unfortunately, this can happen more times than you’d think. But the great news is there are many natural ways to boost the thickness of your lining!  Often in fertility treatments, fertility doctors will increase estrogen when the lining is too thin. But sometimes, more blood-building is needed if your lining is stubborn. As a Fertility and Women’s Health Expert, a Certified Fellow on The Acupuncture & TCM Board of Reproductive Medicine, and over 13 years of clinical experience, I can share some great tips on increasing your uterine lining. 

Our Fertility Method

Top Five Uterine Lining Tips: 

Eat Blood-Building Foods. 

In TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), a thin uterine lining is a sign of “blood deficiency” and poor uterine blood flow. Often when thinking of blood deficiency, iron is brought up, but in TCM, blood deficiency is different than a conventional medical diagnosis. Iron deficiency in conventional medicine is a form of anemia, and in many cases, in the TCM diagnosis, blood deficiency is much more than in conventional medicine. In TCM, we view blood as the “life force” in the body, the foundation substance that keeps the body from drying out and lacking vitality. Without proper blood formation, flow, and movement, parts of the body become dry. This can include the tendons, organs, hair, nails, and uterine lining. When the blood flow due to possible blood deficiency is lacking, the uterine lining can become thin and not have the thickness needed for a healthy embryo transfer.

So, what are some blood-building foods I suggest in my Fertility clinic?

  • Organic meat soups and stews (red meat organic, or free-range bones)
  • No salads and cold raw veggies – all are too cold for the uterus and cause a lack of blood flow. 
  • Warm foods: think warm and cozy earth foods; squash, sweet potato, pumpkin, beets. All organic.
  • Organic or free-range homemade bone broth
  • Barley
  • Spirulina
  • Cooked organic leafy greens and broccoli
  • Organic eggs
  • Plenty of protein, excellent quality organic meats
  • Organic beef or chicken liver

What to avoid when building your lining. 

  • Caffeine (none or no more than 200 mg per day)
  • Sugar
  • Dairy (organic yogurt is about it but without sugar)
  • Alcohol 
  • Iced drinks 
  • Processed chemical foods 

Castor oil packs over the uterus (never do this after ovulation or after an embryo transfer).

Castor oil packs warm the uterus and increase blood flow by breaking up stuck energy, which may be causing a lack of blood flow to your uterus. Of course, more blood flow means better lining. But remember not to do cast oil packs after ovulation (if trying naturally) or after an embryo transfer. Always discuss any new treatments/additions with your doctor. The magic of castor oil is it softens the tissue and helps to draw toxins out of the tissue, then flush them out of your system. Always drink plenty of water afterward.

SLEEP; Listening to your body.

Sleep is one of the most crucial tools to increasing your uterine lining and having a successful fertility cycle. When we don’t get enough sleep, we create adrenal fatigue, which causes an imbalance of hormones. Estrogen is substantial in the thickness of your uterine lining. In TCM, estrogen is known as Yin, which is the moisture in the body, i.e., blood, as we discussed earlier. The uterine lining suffers when the Yin (estrogen) is not abundant. Yin is depleted through the stress of not getting enough sleep and rest. It’s best to be in bed by 11 pm and aim for 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night for increased success during your fertility cycle. 

Practice activities that help reduce stress to have optimal blood flow throughout your entire body, including your uterus, for optimal Fertility success! Stress is one of the critical factors in the lack of blood flow in the whole body, including the uterus and ovaries. 

The Garnet Moon Fertility Method. Holistic Fertility Treatment. Get the Highest Success Rates. Book Now.

Keep the exercise intensity to a minimum. 

I often hear, “I can’t do high-impact exercise?” The answer is no; I don’t recommend it. Frequently times I get asked why, so here it is. High-intensity exercise stresses your physical body out and can also dry you out (remember the Yin we discussed above). Fertility doctors do not recommend you do high-intensity exercising while going through treatments anyways, so this probably is already something you are staying clear of. The truth is some form of exercise, like walking, is excellent for keeping blood moving, so light to medium speed of walking is great, unless your doctor suggest otherwise.  So what can you do? Practice activities that keep you calm and manage stress. Stress causes a lack of blood flow, and when we are stressed, the muscles get tight, and surprising to note the uterus is a muscle!

So, practice activities that help reduce stress to have optimal blood flow throughout your entire body, including your uterus. 

  • Meditate each day (start with 5 minutes for newbies).
  • Practice journaling and affirmations.
  • Do activities that make you happy.
  • Buy and nurture a new plant (great for connecting to the feminine energy for fertility).

Want to learn more? I can help you if you are in the Denver area at my Denver-based clinic or from anywhere in the world; book a complimentary consult with me to learn more about how I can increase your fertility success and my highly successful signature fertility program, The Garnet Moon Fertility Method! 

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