Garnet Moon The Fertility & Women's Intuitive Wellness Experts!

How we help

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Garnet Moon is ABORM-certified Fellow (FABORM) and Advanced Reproductive & Prenatal Specialist. She has advanced training and education, and over 12 years of experience in working with pregnant women. She is renowned for being the best in Denver for Fertility Acupuncture.

Lindsay is an expert in prenatal care, and assists women in high-risk pregnancies, Hashimoto’s, hypertension, recurrent miscarriages, gestation diabetes, placenta previa, and much more.

Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine have been used for more than two thousand years. They are used to support women throughout their reproductive cycle, from pre-conception to pregnancy and postpartum.

Pre-conception Acupuncture Denver. Pregnancy Support. Morning Sickness. Nausea. Induce Labor Acupuncture Denver. Herbal Medicine.

We are committed to helping our clients.

This starts from the initial planning stages and continues into the postpartum period. We want the process to be easy. We are proud to offer our services to clients who are expanding their families. They may already be familiar with us as they have used our services before.


Garnet Moon provides support and comfort during pregnancy, for both mother and baby, to promote wellbeing.

  • Morning Sickness & Nausea in Pregnancy
  • Low Back & Pelvic Pain 
  • Hip Discomfort & Sciatica 
  • Aching in Legs for Increased Blood Flow
  • Water Retention & Edema 
  • Headaches & Dizziness 
  • Bloating & Constipation 
  • Indigestion, Acid Reflux, & Motion Sickness 
  • Emotional Balance: Stress, Anxiety, and Depression 
  • Sleep Issues & Insomnia 
  • Hypertension 
  • Decrease in Miscarriage 
  • Healthier Labor & Delivery 
  • Thyroid Support & High Risk Pregnancy
  • Support in Gestational Diabetes 
  • Breech Baby Presentation and assistance with preventing a Breech Delivery
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Our Unique treatment plans:

Our mission is to help women have healthy, positive, and empowered pregnancies and births. 

    • Weekly treatments start in the first trimester.
    • Bi-weekly or monthly treatments in the second trimester.
    • And weekly treatments from 36 to 40 weeks to birth. 

In the final weeks of pregnancy, our birth prep treatments can be beneficial. They can help ripen and soften the cervix, increase blood flow, and calm the mind. Additionally, these treatments can ease pain, shorten labor times, and reduce medical induction and emergency cesarean section rates.

Garnet Moon is an expert in prenatal and moxa therapy in Denver. We offer treatment to turn babies in breech positions to get your baby in a head down position for labor. We provide treatment to help turn babies in cases of breech presentation, and our method works over 80% of the time! 

Our treatment protocols in pregnancy include acupuncture, moxa therapy, dietary therapy, nutritional support, and guided meditations. We support women during the postpartum period. This includes help with lack of lactation, postpartum depression (PPD), anxiety, c-section recovery, and emotional stress. With our help our clients have fewer side effects during pregnancy and postpartum. We can provide treatment to help turn babies in cases of breech presentation.

Studies indicate that the best time to use moxibustion on a baby is between 34 and 35 weeks. Generally, it is applied around 36 weeks. Debra Betts’ is a renowned Doula & Pregnancy expert and has published study on pre-birth treatments. Spinning Babies is an excellent resource. It provides videos to help turn breech babies into the correct position for delivery. This ensures the baby will enter the birth canal correctly.

  • Pregnancy Support.
  • Morning Sickness.
  • Nausea

At Garnet Moon, we have an excellent referral relationship with many OBGYNs and certified birth doulas in Denver. We are a wellness center dedicated to supporting women who have experienced loss. We understand that not all pregnancies have a happy ending.

Our goal is to provide solace and understanding to those who have suffered trauma related to pregnancy and childbirth. Our clients bring their entire selves to us. We strive to offer the necessary care during the highs and lows of family-building. 

SUCCESS STORY. Denver Acupuncture Prenatal Support. 

I first came to Lindsay searching for an acupuncturist to help with fertility issues, and I got so much more than I expected. I quickly learned Lindsay doesn’t just want to provide acupuncture, she really aims to heal the whole person including the mind, and body.

She helped me emotionally and spiritually through my fertility journey, and kept me positive even through some of my toughest times.

Throughout this journey, she was genuinely concerned about my wellbeing and progress, and helped me transform my mindsets and perspectives for more positive life outlook. In fact, I recently learned I am pregnant!

If you need a mentor life coach, acupuncturist, a positive perspective, stress relief, and/or a support person, I couldn’t recommend Lindsay enough! Denver Acupuncture Prenatal Support | Garnet Moon.