At Garnet Moon We want you to feel vibrant

Rejuvenate Your Health: Functional Natural Medicine for Modern Holistic Care In Denver.

At Garnet Moon, we’re dedicated to nurturing your health with an expert blend of Functional Natural Medicine, Eastern Medicine, and health testing. Our personalized care strategies aim to invigorate your body’s innate healing abilities and support your journey toward optimal wellness.


Functional Natural Medicine is an integrative approach that addresses the root causes of health conditions rather than simply managing symptoms. We concentrate on the optimal functioning of the body and its organs, often involving holistic or alternative medicine systems. Here, we look at the “why” and not just the “what” of your health concerns. 

By taking into account the whole person – mind, body, and spirit – we develop comprehensive treatment plans that are personalized and sustainable.

Through this service, you can expect:

  • Individualized Care: Personalized health strategies designed to meet your unique health needs and goals.
  • Holistic Strategies: A blend of evidence-based natural therapies, lifestyle changes, and nutritional plans.
  • Empowerment: We educate and empower you to take an active role in your health.
  • Preventative Focus: Proactive care that addresses current health issues and aims to prevent future health problems.
  • Support: Continuous support from our team of experts dedicated to your health and wellness journey.

Rediscover Balance and Vitality

Our integrative approach targets your unique health needs, from hormonal balance and fertility enhancement to digestive wellness and pain relief. By interpreting your body’s intricate language, we craft individualized protocols that promote a harmonious state of health.

Our Core Services:

Women’s Health & Fertility

Empowering women to understand and harness their bodily rhythms, we support reproductive health, fertility, and the transitions through various life stages with grace and vitality.

Digestive Wellness

The gut is the cradle of health. Our targeted treatments foster robust digestive function, which is the key to a flourishing immune system and overall vitality.

Pain Management

Chronic pain can overshadow life’s joys. We employ time-honored therapies to alleviate discomfort, enhance mobility, and return the joy of movement.

Well-Being & Self-care

Health transcends physical well-being. We encourage self-nurturing practices that cultivate mental clarity, emotional resilience, and profound inner healing.

nutrition and wellness garnet Moon Denver.


  • Intuitive eating & helping identify emotional triggers
  • Healthy weight loss & reducing inflammation in the body
  • Nutrition for pain management, arthritis, & other related pain issues
  • Digestive wellness & food sensitivities
  • Fertility boosting nutrition & preparing your body for pregnancy
  • Nutrition for radiant glowing skin & skin correction
  • Balancing hormones naturally with diet: including PCOS, endometriosis, cysts, fibroids, thin uterine lining, & menstrual issues
  • Healthy nutrition to help with stress, anxiety, sleep issues, & emotional wellness
  • Longevity for an vibrant body to feel your best!