Category Archives: Pregnancy Support

Enhance Your Fertility Journey with Healing Crystals

rose quartz for fertility. mother stone. garnet Moon Denver best fertility expert. highest success rates for healthy pregnancy.

Are you looking for alternatives to enhance your fertility journey?

If so, you might want to explore some of the powers of crystals and stones. As a fertility expert in reproductive medicine and spiritual fertility, I have seen the magic that these natural substances can bring to your efforts of conception. In this blog post, I will share two of my favorite stones for fertility treatments and healing. By incorporating these gems into your life, you will get closer to manifesting your miracle baby into your physical world. Fertility Crystals: Enhance Your Fertile Success | Denver’s Best Fertility Expert.

Rose Quartz

This pink crystal is known as the mother stone because it can open your heart chakra. This, in turn, unlocks your ability to receive love from your spirit baby. By placing rose quartz in your baby’s room, you create a space infused with your future child’s energies. Using this stone in your meditations and visualizations can be highly effective in aligning you with your baby’s spirit. Rose quartz can also support you at different stages of your fertility and pregnancy, reducing stress and promoting overall well-being.

Rainbow Moonstone

A beautiful stone has been cherished for centuries for its ability to connect with feminine energy and womb space. As a mother stone, the rainbow moonstone symbolizes family, magic, and miracles. During fertility treatments, you can carry a rainbow moonstone with you or place it near your bed to enhance your capacity for manifestation. Additionally, this stone is believed to harmonize your menstrual cycle and offer emotional support during the ups and downs of trying to conceive.

If you are curious about incorporating crystals into your fertility journey, choosing the stones that resonate with you the most is essential.

Other stones supporting your fertility efforts include clear quartz, garnet, and carnelian. Before starting to use crystals, make sure to cleanse them in saltwater and charge them under the sun or moonlight. Regular cleansing and recharging will help you maintain the optimal energy of the stones.

Fertility journeys can be emotionally, physically, and spiritually draining. That is why exploring the healing powers of crystals and stones can be a valuable tool to support your efforts. Rose quartz and rainbow moonstone are two mother stones that can help you tap into your heart and womb space and infuse your environment with the energies of your spirit baby. Give them a try and see how the magic of crystals can enhance the miracle of life.

Need help with your fertility journey?

Book a complimentary fertility discovery virtual session with me to learn more about how I can help you get the success rates you deserve. It is your turn to be a mom! 

Book your fertility discovery call

Want to learn more? Are you in the Denver or Colorado area? I offer consultations in Denver or in Parker, CO at Rocky Mountain Fertility Center or Virtually. You can book a consultation to learn how I can assist with fertility, hormones, and reproductive health. ABORM certified acupuncture in Denver. Fertility Crystals: Enhance Your Fertile Success | Denver’s Best Fertility Expert. 

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Thin Uterine Lining? Increase it Fast!

About Lindsay Wellbody

Thin Uterine Lining? Increase it Fast!

Your uterine lining has to be just right before your upcoming embryo transfer; the thickness and quality of your uterine lining are often some of the most significant fundamental factors in whether or not your doctor can move forward with your fertility cycle or cancel. 

Hearing the words, “We may need to cancel this cycle and reschedule for a future transfer date,” is devastating. Unfortunately, this can happen more times than you’d think. But the great news is there are many natural ways to boost the thickness of your lining, and these methods have shown promising results!  

Often, in fertility treatments, fertility doctors will increase estrogen when the lining is too thin. But sometimes, more blood-building is needed if your lining is stubborn.


Top Five Uterine Lining Tips: 

Eat Blood-Building Foods. 

In TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), a thin uterine lining is a sign of “blood deficiency” and poor uterine blood flow. Often, when thinking of blood deficiency, iron is brought up, but in TCM, blood deficiency is different than a conventional medical diagnosis. Iron deficiency in conventional medicine is a form of anemia, and in many cases, in the TCM diagnosis, blood deficiency is much more than in conventional medicine. 

In TCM, we view blood as the “life force” in the body, the foundation substance that keeps the body from drying out and lacking vitality. Body parts become dry without proper blood formation, flow, and movement. This can include the tendons, organs, hair, nails, and uterine lining. When the blood flow is lacking due to possible blood deficiency, the uterine lining can become thin and not have the thickness needed for a healthy embryo transfer.

So, what are some blood-building foods I suggest in my Fertility clinic?

  • Organic meat soups and stews (red meat organic, or free-range bones)
  • No salads and cold raw veggies – all are too cold for the uterus and cause a lack of blood flow. 
  • Warm foods: Think warm and cozy earth foods, such as squash, sweet potato, pumpkin, and beets. All organic.
  • Organic or free-range homemade bone broth
  • Barley
  • Spirulina
  • Cooked organic leafy greens and broccoli
  • Organic eggs
  • Plenty of protein, excellent quality organic meats
  • Organic beef or chicken liver

What to avoid when building your lining. 

  • Caffeine (none or no more than 200 mg per day)
  • Sugar
  • Dairy (organic yogurt is about it, but without sugar)
  • Alcohol 
  • Iced drinks 
  • Processed chemical foods 

Castor oil packs over the uterus (never do this after ovulation or after an embryo transfer).

Castor oil packs warm the uterus and increase blood flow by breaking up stuck energy, which may be causing a lack of blood flow to your uterus. Of course, more blood flow means better lining. But remember not to do cast oil packs after ovulation (if trying naturally) or after an embryo transfer. Always discuss any new treatments/additions with your doctor. The magic of castor oil is it softens the tissue and helps to draw toxins out of the tissue, then flush them out of your system. Always drink plenty of water afterward.

SLEEP: Listening to your body.

Sleep is one of the most crucial tools to increase your uterine lining and have a successful fertility cycle. When we don’t get enough sleep, we create adrenal fatigue, which causes an imbalance of hormones. Estrogen is substantial in the thickness of your uterine lining. In TCM, estrogen is known as Yin, which is the moisture in the body, i.e., blood, as we discussed earlier. The uterine lining suffers when the Yin (estrogen) is not abundant. Yin is depleted through the stress of not getting enough sleep and rest. It’s best to be in bed by 11 pm and aim for 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night for increased success during your fertility cycle. 

Practice activities that help reduce stress and have optimal blood flow throughout your entire body, including your uterus, for optimal fertility success! Stress is one of the critical factors in the lack of blood flow in the whole body, including the uterus and ovaries. 

Keep the exercise intensity to a minimum. 

I often hear, “I can’t do high-impact exercise?” The answer is no; I don’t recommend it. Frequently, I get asked why, so here it is. High-intensity exercise stresses your physical body out and can also dry you out (remember the Yin we discussed above). Fertility doctors do not recommend you do high-intensity exercising while going through treatments anyway, so this is probably already something you are staying clear of. The truth is some form of exercise, like walking, is excellent for keeping blood moving, so light to medium-speed walking is great unless your doctor suggests otherwise.  So what can you do? Practice activities that keep you calm and manage stress. Stress causes a lack of blood flow, and when we are stressed, the muscles get tight. It is surprising to note the uterus is a muscle! 

So, practice activities that help reduce stress to maintain optimal blood flow throughout your body, including your uterus. 

  • Meditate each day (start with 5 minutes for newbies).
  • Practice journaling and affirmations.
  • Do activities that make you happy.
  • Buy and nurture a new plant (great for connecting to the feminine energy for fertility).

Want to learn more? I can help you if you are in the Denver area at my Denver-based clinic or from anywhere in the world; book a consultation with me to learn more about how I can increase your fertility success and my highly successful signature fertility program, The Fertile Energy Code Program! 

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