Category Archives: fertility expert

Enhance Your Fertility Journey with Healing Crystals

rose quartz for fertility. mother stone. garnet Moon Denver best fertility expert. highest success rates for healthy pregnancy.

Are you looking for alternatives to enhance your fertility journey?

If so, you might want to explore some of the powers of crystals and stones. As a fertility expert in reproductive medicine and spiritual fertility, I have seen the magic that these natural substances can bring to your efforts of conception. In this blog post, I will share two of my favorite stones for fertility treatments and healing. By incorporating these gems into your life, you will get closer to manifesting your miracle baby into your physical world. Fertility Crystals: Enhance Your Fertile Success | Denver’s Best Fertility Expert.

Rose Quartz

This pink crystal is known as the mother stone because it can open your heart chakra. This, in turn, unlocks your ability to receive love from your spirit baby. By placing rose quartz in your baby’s room, you create a space infused with your future child’s energies. Using this stone in your meditations and visualizations can be highly effective in aligning you with your baby’s spirit. Rose quartz can also support you at different stages of your fertility and pregnancy, reducing stress and promoting overall well-being.

Rainbow Moonstone. 

A beautiful stone has been cherished for centuries for its ability to connect with feminine energy and womb space. As a mother stone, the rainbow moonstone symbolizes family, magic, and miracles. During fertility treatments, you can carry a rainbow moonstone with you or place it near your bed to enhance your capacity for manifestation. Additionally, this stone is believed to harmonize your menstrual cycle and offer emotional support during the ups and downs of trying to conceive.

If you are curious about incorporating crystals into your fertility journey, choosing the stones that resonate with you the most is essential.

Other stones supporting your fertility efforts include clear quartz, garnet, and carnelian. Before starting to use crystals, make sure to cleanse them in saltwater and charge them under the sun or moonlight. Regular cleansing and recharging will help you maintain the optimal energy of the stones.

Fertility journeys can be emotionally, physically, and spiritually draining. That is why exploring the healing powers of crystals and stones can be a valuable tool to support your efforts. Rose quartz and rainbow moonstone are two mother stones that can help you tap into your heart and womb space and infuse your environment with the energies of your spirit baby. Give them a try and see how the magic of crystals can enhance the miracle of life.

Need help with your fertility journey?

Book a complimentary fertility discovery virtual session with me to learn more about how I can help you get the success rates you deserve. It is your turn to be a mom! 

Book your fertility discovery call

Want to learn more? Are you in the Denver or Colorado area? I offer consultations in Denver or in Parker, CO at Rocky Mountain Fertility Center or Virtually. You can book a free consultation to learn how I can assist with fertility, hormones, and reproductive health. ABORM certified acupuncture in Denver. Fertility Crystals: Enhance Your Fertile Success | Denver’s Best Fertility Expert. 

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Investing in the Best Prenatal Vitamin: Why Methylated Folate Matters

Garnet Moon Fertility Center Denver. Why not all prenatal vitamins are created equal. Get the best prenatal with methylfolate.

Why not all prenatals are created equal. 

We all know that good nutrition is essential for a healthy pregnancy. But did you know that the weeks before and at the start of your pregnancy are some of the most crucial? That’s why it’s essential to start taking prenatal vitamins well before you conceive. Of all the dietary supplements, folate is arguably the most important. However, not all folate supplements are created equal. In this post, we’ll explore why methylated folate is the best type of folate to take for maximum benefit in the lead-up to conceiving and throughout your pregnancy. Investing in the Best Prenatal Vitamin | Garnet Moon Fertility Center.

The Importance of Methylated Folate: A Key Factor for Preconception and Pregnancy.

  • When preparing for conception and maintaining a healthy pregnancy, one vitamin stands out above the rest: methylated folate. Experts recommend taking this crucial vitamin for 3-6 months before trying to conceive and continuing throughout pregnancy.
  • Not all folate is created equal. Many people can only absorb folate if it is in its methylated form. This means that folic acid, a synthetic vitamin, may not be as effective as “methylated folate,” which occurs naturally.
  • By prioritizing the correct form of folate, you can optimize your chances of conception and promote the well-being of both mother and baby throughout the pregnancy.

Here’s Why.

One in three women has a gene variant that impacts how they convert folate, which makes folic acid fortification less ideal.

This variation means some women require a more bioavailable form of folate, such as methylated folate, that they can more readily use to support their baby’s growth and development. Without this bioavailable form, it’s difficult for the body to convert folic acid into the active form of the vitamin that provides its many benefits.

Methylated folate is the active folate that your body can use immediately and efficiently. It helps promote healthy brain and spinal cord development and supports your baby’s growth and development.

Methylated folate is, therefore, the recommended type of folate to take for maximum benefit if you’re trying to conceive.

Discovering the MTHFR Gene: Understanding its Significance in Folate Processing.

  • The MTHFR gene, short for Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase, plays a crucial role in instructing your body to produce the MTHFR enzyme, which aids in processing folate. Inherited genetically from both parents, the combination of genes determines your specific variant.
  • Why is this important, you ask? Well, a specific gene variant, MTHFR C677T (and sometimes, its accomplice A1298C), can disrupt the conversion of the MTHFR enzyme and consequently affect how the body processes folate.
  • But just how common is this MTHFR gene variant? Around 1 in 3 women are found to have this specific gene variant. However, studies suggest that the prevalence of this variant differs among various racial groups. For instance, research shows that up to 70% of Caucasian Americans may possess this variant, while only 30% of African Americans offer the same.

So, What Are The Key Takeaways? Investing in the Best Prenatal Vitamin | Garnet Moon Fertility Center.

First, not all folate supplements are created equal. Both folic acid and methylated folate are B9 vitamins, but your body can process methylated folate more efficiently.

Secondly, one in three women has a gene variant that impacts how they convert folate, which makes methylated folate the better option.

Lastly, investing in the best prenatal vitamin with methylated folate will support your baby’s healthy growth and development, so it’s essential to start taking a supplement with methylated folate between 3-6 months before conceiving and throughout the pregnancy.

Investing in the best prenatal vitamin for maximum benefit is vital for your baby’s healthy growth and development, which means choosing methylated folate over folic acid.

Methylated folate is the active, bioavailable form that your body can use immediately and efficiently. It promotes healthy brain and spinal cord development and supports the growth and development of your baby and reduce miscarriage.

So, whether you’re trying to conceive or are already pregnant, choosing a high-quality prenatal vitamin with methylated folate will give your baby the best start.

FH Pro for Women. Egg quality, preconception preparation. Get pregnant naturally. Garnet Moon Denver. Best Fertility Expert Denver.

Where Can I Find a High Quality Prenatal?

One of my favorite prenatal supplements with methylated folate B9 vitamin is from Fairhaven Health. FH Pro is not only a prenatal but also increases egg quality for a healthier pregnancy from the very start to reduce miscarriage. Investing in the Best Prenatal Vitamin | Garnet Moon Fertility Center.


Want to learn more? Are you in the Denver or Colorado area? I offer consultations in Denver or in Parker, CO at Rocky Mountain Fertility Center or Virtually. You can book a free consultation to learn how I can assist with fertility, hormones, and reproductive health. ABORM certified acupuncture in Denver.

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