Category Archives: Hormones

Unlocking Fertility: Proven Tips for Conception Success

How to conceiving naturally with these tips from a reproductive medicine expert. Lindsay Goodwin, Garnet Moon Denver.

Unlocking Fertility: Proven Tips for Conception Success

Trying to conceive can be an emotional and challenging journey for many couples. However, understanding your body and making the right lifestyle choices can increase your chances of getting pregnant right from the start! As an expert in Reproductive Medicine and prenatal Care for over a decade, we have tips from a professional source.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss essential fertility tips, including the foods you should eat to prepare your womb and the hormones you need to examine. Whether you’re a couple trying to conceive, new parents considering expanding your family, or someone experiencing infertility, this guide is tailored for you.

Know Your Cycle

Understanding your menstrual cycle is the first step toward enhancing your fertility. Your cycle can provide critical insights into your fertile window—when conception is most likely to occur.

  • Track Your Cycle: Use apps or digital trackers to monitor your menstrual cycle. Knowing its length and phases helps you identify your ovulation period. You must also use BBT charting (basal body temperature) in your tracking. Not using BBT is a crucial step to pinpointing ovulation and learning more about your cycle.
  • Identify Ovulation: During your cycle, ovulation typically occurs around days 14-16. Look for physical signs such as changes in cervical mucus and slight increases in basal body temperature.
  • Regularity Matters: If your periods are irregular, consulting with a healthcare provider might help rule out underlying issues that could impact fertility.
Regulate Menstrual Cycle Naturally. Garnet Moon Denver - The Best Women's Health Clinic in Denver.

What Hormones to Check

Hormonal balance plays a crucial role in fertility. Specific hormones must be within the proper range to support ovulation and implantation. Certain hormones are tested on days 3-4 of your cycle, while others are tested after ovulation.

Testing hormones at specific times in your cycle is the only accurate way to know the facts of the correct data on your hormone levels.

  • Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH): High levels of FSH can indicate reduced ovarian reserve. Testing this hormone can give insights into your egg health and premature menopause.
  • Luteinizing Hormone (LH): A surge in LH triggers ovulation. Tracking this hormone helps pinpoint the most fertile days and when you will ovulate, as well as hormonal imbalances like PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome).
  • Progesterone: This hormone supports the uterine lining for implantation. Low levels can indicate issues with maintaining a pregnancy, as well as irregular ovulation. This hormone must be tested on day 21 of your cycle or 7 days post ovulation to get an accurate read for ovulation purposes.
  • Thyroid Hormones (TSH, T3, T4): Imbalances in thyroid hormones can affect menstrual cycles and fertility. It is crucial to examine all three of these hormones.

The Fertile Mindset

Stress and emotional well-being significantly impact fertility. Adopting a positive and proactive mindset can make a difference.

  • Mind-Body Connection: Yoga, meditation, and mindfulness can reduce stress and improve overall well-being.
  • Support System: Surround yourself with supportive friends and family, or join fertility support groups to share experiences and advice.
  • Counseling & Coaching: Finding someone who specializes in coaching and therapy for emotions that come along with a fertility journey can help address the anxiety and stress that often accompany the journey of trying to conceive.

Foods to Eat to Prepare Your Womb

Nutrition is a cornerstone of fertility. Eating the right foods can prepare your body for pregnancy and improve your reproductive health.

  • Leafy Greens: Rich in folate, spinach, kale, and other leafy greens support cellular function and help prevent neural tube defects in early pregnancy. Eat cooked organic veggies. Raw veggies create a cold womb space and lack blood flow to the reproductive powerhouse.
  • Whole Grains: Foods like quinoa, brown rice, and oats provide essential vitamins and minerals, including B vitamins, crucial for hormone regulation.
  • Healthy Fats: Incorporate avocado, nuts, seeds, and oily fish like salmon into your diet. These foods are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which support hormonal balance and reduce inflammation. 40% of your diet should be healthy fats when trying to conceive.
  • Lean Proteins: Chicken, turkey, beans, and legumes provide high-quality protein for egg health and embryo development.
  • Fruits and Vegetables: A colorful variety of fruits and vegetables supply antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that protect your cells from damage.
Fertile diet to boost healthy conception. Garnet Moon Denver and Lindsay Goodwin Fertility Expert.

Fertility Tips

In addition to understanding your cycle and eating the right foods, consider these additional fertility tips:

  • Stay Active: Regular, moderate exercise can improve circulation and overall health, but avoid excessive high-intensity workouts that can disrupt ovulation.
  • Limit Caffeine and Alcohol: High consumption of caffeine and alcohol can negatively affect fertility. Moderation is key. Both alcohol and caffeine contribute to estrogen dominance, which is the number one cause of infertility. 
  • Quit Smoking: Smoking has been shown to reduce fertility and harm eggs and sperm. Quitting can significantly improve your chances of conception.
  • Maintain a Healthy Weight: Both underweight and overweight conditions can affect hormone levels and ovulation. Aim for a balanced diet and regular exercise to achieve a healthy weight.

Conception Tips From An Expert

Every couple’s fertility journey is unique, but these general pieces of advice can help guide you:

  • Timing is Everything: Have intercourse during the fertile window, which is typically a few days before and after ovulation. Having intercourse every 2-3 days is best so you do not feel so stressed around your fertile window; enjoy intimacy with your partner rather than feel pressured around the ovulation window.
  • Seek Professional Help: If you’ve been trying to conceive for over a year (or six months if you’re over 35), schedule a consultation with a fertility specialist or begin preparing your body before conception with an expert in reproductive medicine like Lindsay Goodwin at Garnet Moon.
  • Stay Educated: Continue learning about fertility and reproductive health to make informed decisions.

Unlocking your fertility potential involves understanding your body, making healthy lifestyle choices, and maintaining a fertile mindset. By following these tips and making informed decisions, you’re taking proactive steps toward achieving your dream of starting or expanding your family.

Ready to take the next step in your fertility journey?

Schedule a Fertility Consultation Today! Our team of experts is here to support you every step of the way.

Book your fertility discovery call

Want to learn more? Are you in the Denver or Colorado area? I offer consultations in Denver or in Parker, CO at Rocky Mountain Fertility Center or Virtually. You can book a consultation to learn how I can assist with fertility, hormones, and reproductive health. 

When To Test Progesterone for Conception

When to test progesterone for conception. Garnet Moon Denver.

The Crucial Timing of Progesterone Testing for Conception.

Embarking on the journey to a healthy pregnancy can often feel like a complex puzzle! Among the many pieces that need to fit precisely together, understanding the role of progesterone and the timing of its testing is pivotal. This knowledge can empower those on their fertility tracking journey, potentially becoming a game-changer in achieving a healthy pregnancy. 

Progesterone, a key hormone in the reproductive cycle, plays a crucial role in allowing conception and maintaining a healthy pregnancy. Its levels and timing offer invaluable insights into fertility health. Here, we’ll explore why progesterone testing is essential and pinpoint the optimal time for this crucial fertility hormone testing.

Understanding Progesterone’s Role in Conception.

Progesterone is often referred to as the “pregnancy hormone.” After ovulation, it prepares the uterine lining for a potential pregnancy, making it thick enough to nourish and support a fertilized egg. If fertilization doesn’t occur, progesterone levels drop, leading to menstruation. However, if a pregnancy is achieved, progesterone levels should remain high to support the growing fetus. Progesterone is an important fertility marker for ovulation to occur and if ovuation did in fact occur in the cycle.

When to Test Your Progesterone.

For those trying to conceive, timing is everything, especially when it comes to hormone testing. The most widely recommended time to test your progesterone levels is on day 21 of your cycle or seven days post-ovulation. This timing is based on a typical 28-day cycle, where ovulation occurs around days 14-16. 

Testing seven days post-ovulation is crucial because it aligns with the mid-luteal phase of your cycle when progesterone production peaks if ovulation has occurred. The mid-luteal phase is the period between ovulation and the start of your next period. This test aims to confirm whether ovulation has happened by measuring the progesterone level in your body. High levels indicate a successful ovulation, which is a positive sign for those trying to get pregnant.

Why Accurate Timing Matters.

Knowing whether you’re ovulating is vital for anyone trying to conceive. An ovulation test can tell you if you’re about to ovulate, but a progesterone test confirms whether you have ovulated. This distinction is crucial because it helps pinpoint any issues with ovulation that could make conception difficult.

Furthermore, understanding your progesterone levels can help your licensed healthcare provider decide the next steps in your fertility journey. If your progesterone levels are low, it might indicate a need for supplementation or further investigation into your ovulatory cycles and further hormonal testing.

How to Ensure Accurate Progesterone Testing.

To ensure the most accurate results from your progesterone test, consider tracking your ovulation through basal body temperature (BBT) charting, using an ovulation predictor kit (OPK), or at-home hormonal testing kits like Proov. These methods can provide reassurance, helping you accurately identify your ovulation day and determine the best day for progesterone testing. You can also opt to work with a licensed healthcare provider who can assist you in ordering hormonal tests and then go over your results with you, further boosting your confidence in your fertility journey to success. 

The Takeaway.

In the quest for conception, knowledge is power! Understanding the role of progesterone and the critical timing of its testing can significantly enhance your chances of a successful pregnancy. If you’re tracking your fertility, consider discussing progesterone testing with your licensed healthcare provider to gain deeper insights into your reproductive health.

Remember, every woman’s cycle is unique. While day 21 is a guideline, the most accurate timing for progesterone testing is seven days post-ovulation, based on your personal cycle length and ovulation day. The right knowledge about your reproductive health is a significant step toward unlocking the door to healthy conception, making you feel more equiped in your fertility journey!

Need help with your fertility journey?

Book a complimentary fertility discovery virtual session with me to learn more about how I can help you get the success rates you deserve. It is your turn to be a mom! 

Book your fertility discovery call

Want to learn more? Are you in the Denver or Colorado area? I offer consultations in Denver or in Parker, CO at Rocky Mountain Fertility Center or Virtually. You can book a consultation to learn how I can assist with fertility, hormones, and reproductive health. 

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Can Acupuncture Regulate Your Menstrual Cycle?

Regulate Menstrual Cycle Naturally. Garnet Moon Denver - The Best Women's Health Clinic in Denver.
About Lindsay Wellbody

Are you tired of dealing with painful and irregular menstrual cycles every month or just not having regular periods? 

Women around the world are looking for natural solutions to menstrual problems. They hope to find relief without having to take medication with side effects or surgery. One possible solution many women are turning to is acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine have been proven effective in regulating menstrual cycles. They influence the brain’s pituitary ovarian HPO axis loop and overall hormonal levels. By helping to regulate, improve, and balance your hormones, these practices can provide much-needed comfort and relief from irregular menstrual cycles and hormonal imbalances.

What is acupuncture, and how does it work for your menstrual health?

Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese Medicine practice. It has been used for centuries to manage various health concerns, including menstrual irregularities and hormone level issues.

This technique involves inserting thin, sterile needles into certain points in the body to stimulate the flow of energy (or Qi) and assist in the healing process.

Acupuncture can be effective in addressing menstrual health issues. It can reduce pain, regulate irregular cycles, and promote a healthy flow. Additionally, it can help with other symptoms such as bloating, mood swings, and fatigue.

Acupuncture improves blood flow and releases endorphins, natural pain-relieving chemicals that help balance hormones and reduce inflammation. I am a licensed acupuncturist and a reproductive medicine certified Fellow on ABORM. I can confirm that acupuncture is effective in treating menstrual irregularities and hormone-level issues. It also helps to improve reproductive health and overall well-being. Can Acupuncture Regulate Your Menstrual Cycle?

Benefits of acupuncture for regulating periods.

Acupuncture has been employed for centuries as an alternative medical treatment. It promotes holistic wellness and has been found to be highly effective in regulating periods and relieving menstrual irregularities.

The concept behind acupuncture is that specific channels or meridians exist throughout the body. A blockage or imbalance in energy channels can have profound health implications. This is due to a need for regulated energy flow, leading to imbalances.

Acupuncture can boost blood flow. This increased circulation helps the body produce hormones. These hormones are essential for regulating the menstrual cycle. It is a safe and natural alternative to pharmaceuticals.

What to expect from an acupuncture session?

Acupuncture treatment can be relaxing and calming.

Feel free if you are new to this experience or just curious. Your licensed acupuncturist will review your health history when you arrive for your appointment. They will then discuss what you hope to achieve from treatment.

You will be asked to lie on a comfortable table. Your licensed acupuncturist will insert tiny, hair-thin needles into specific points on your body. This stimulates the body’s natural healing response. It can help with various conditions, such as pain, hormone imbalance, menstrual irregularities, stress, and insomnia.

You may feel slight tingling or pressure, but the sensation is relaxing and should not hurt.

Many people even fall asleep during their acupuncture treatment because it is relaxing! If you feel anxious, take a deep breath. Acupuncture is a gentle way to support your health and well-being.

How diet and lifestyle can affect your menstrual cycle & balance hormonal levels.

Many women can attest that their diet and lifestyle can significantly influence their menstrual cycle and hormonal levels. 

Foods & Lifestyle Factors: 

  • Eating sugary and processed foods can lead to irregular menstrual cycles. On the other hand, diets rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can help bring regularity to menstrual cycles. 
  • Sedentary lifestyles can affect one’s period, as regular exercise is crucial for maintaining hormonal balance.
  • Stress can affect menstrual cycles. High-stress levels can disturb the hormonal balance regulating ovulation and menstruation. These hormones include estrogen, FSH, progesterone, and LH.
  • It is essential to focus on our diet and lifestyle. We must strive for a healthy, balanced lifestyle to keep a healthy menstrual cycle.

Key takeaways about acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine and your menstrual cycle.

Acupuncture treatment and Traditional Chinese Medicine can help regulate menstrual irregularities and flow. They can also reduce pain and cramping during menstruation. Additionally, they can improve overall hormonal balance and the function of the nervous system.

Acupuncture works by addressing imbalances in the body through the use of tiny needles placed into specific points. Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine is a gentle and effective way to address menstrual cycle issues. 

There is no denying that acupuncture treatment and Traditional Chinese Medicine have been used for centuries. This ancient practice regulates menstrual irregularities and hormonal levels. The list of benefits, from pain relief to reduced nervous system issues due to the stress response, is impressive.

At your appointment, your licensed acupuncturist will review your health history.

They will also insert needles gently into acupuncture points explicitly chosen for you.

It would help if you also considered the factors in your diet and lifestyle that affect menstrual irregularities and hormonal levels. 

If you experience hormonal issues, PMS, and painful and irregular menstrual cycles, these may be impacting your daily life. Consider consulting a professional who is a licensed acupuncturist and specializes in reproductive medicine and women’s health. To find the best specialist, visit the ABORM website. There, you can find certified Fellows who specialize in women’s health. 

Want to learn more? Are you in the Denver area? I see clients at my Denver based clinic or from anywhere in the world; book a comp consult with me to learn more about how I can increase your fertility success, balance hormones, and your reproductive medicine health. 

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What To Eat After an Embryo Transfer

Fertile diet to boost healthy conception. Garnet Moon Denver and Lindsay Goodwin Fertility Expert.
About Lindsay Wellbody

Foods to Eat Before and After an Embryo Transfer.

A fertility journey is exciting yet challenging and full of unknowns and possible heartbreaks in some situations. Proper nutrition can help ensure a successful outcome. Eating nutrient-dense foods in the right combination after transferring your embryos could increase your chances of success. 

As a fertility and women’s health expert, a board-certified and licensed acupuncturist with over a decade of experience, I’ve witnessed the transformative power of healthy eating on our hormones and reproductive systems. Today, I’m here to share my insights, to guide you on the foods that can be most beneficial to eat pre- and post-transfer, and to empower you on your journey towards motherhood.


Foods to Help Increase IVF Transfer Success and Detailing Why it’s Important.

Anyone going through IVF or trying to conceive has heard of consuming tons of pineapple core for the bromelain enzyme it’s packed with. Studies have shown bromelain to increase embryo implantation. Yes, use bromelain, but also incorporate other fertility success foods. Let me explain. 

As you navigate through the IVF journey, the transfer stage is a pivotal moment. While there are many factors at play, your nutrition is one aspect that you have control over. By incorporating specific foods into your diet, you can actively improve your chances of a successful embryo transfer. These foods, rich in protein, antioxidants, and healthy fats, can help optimize your body for this crucial stage. Remember, your diet is a powerful tool in your hands, one that can significantly impact your overall success!

The Importance of Healthy Fats, Zinc, Folic Acid, and Antioxidants For a Successful Embryo Transfer.

Regarding embryo transfer, there are a few essential nutrients that experts recommend incorporating into your diet.

Healthy fats, such as those found in avocado and nuts, can help support the embryo’s development.

Zinc is another essential nutrient that can aid in cell growth and division. It also increases progesterone levels, which are critical for the start of a healthy pregnancy.

Folic acid, often associated with prenatal care, can also play a crucial role in the success of an embryo transfer by preventing neural tube defects.

Finally, antioxidants, such as vitamins C and E, can help to protect the developing embryo from oxidative stress.

While no one food or nutrient alone can guarantee a successful embryo transfer, ensuring that your diet includes a variety of foods rich in these critical nutrients can undoubtedly increase your chances of success. However, it’s essential to consult a healthcare professional before making any significant changes to your diet, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or are taking medications.

Tips to Boost Your IVF Success with Food Choices.

Incorporating specific foods into your diet can help improve the quality of your eggs, balance hormone levels, and create a healthy environment for implantation.

Garnet Moon Denver. Moon and Rainbow. The best holistic medicine practice in Denver.
  • Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids that can help decrease inflammation and improve egg quality.
  • Pumpkin seeds are high in zinc, which regulates hormone levels and supports a healthy reproductive system.
  • Eggs contain protein and vitamin D, essential for embryo growth and reducing the risk of miscarriage.
  • Dark leafy greens are packed with folate, a crucial nutrient for fetal development.
  • Nuts and legumes are excellent sources of plant-based protein and fiber, helping to stabilize blood sugar levels and reduce inflammation.

By making mindful food choices and incorporating these nutrient-rich foods into your diet, you can boost your IVF success and increase the likelihood of a healthy pregnancy by up to 40%!

Benefits of Omega-3 Fatty Acids for IVF Embryo Transfer Success.

Omega-3s are known for their anti-inflammatory properties and can improve the quality of eggs and the uterine environment. These essential fatty acids are found in fatty fish, nuts, and seeds but can also be supplemented.

Omega-3s have been linked to increased blood flow, hormone regulation, and reduced uterine inflammation, all of which can contribute to a successful IVF embryo transfer.

Talking to your doctor before starting any new supplement or dietary program is essential, especially when undergoing fertility treatments like IVF or when pregnant.

Ways to Include More Omega-3 Fatty Acids in Your Diet.

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential nutrients that our bodies need to function correctly. Incorporating more of them into our diets is easy. There are various ways to get your daily dose of omega-3 fatty acids, but one of the most effective is the consumption of walnuts, flaxseeds, and chia seeds. 

These foods are not only delicious but also highly nutritious. Walnuts are a tremendous alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) source, while flaxseeds and chia seeds contain omega-3. Try sprinkling flaxseeds or chia seeds on your oatmeal or organic full-fat yogurt. And next time you need a snack, reach for a handful of walnuts; they nourish your and your baby’s brain too! 

Simple changes like these to your diet can boost fertility and promote a healthy pregnancy.

How These Foods Can Make an Impact on Fertility & An Embryo Transfer.

Foods high in antioxidants, such as organic berries and cooked leafy greens, can improve egg quality and reduce the risk of miscarriage. It does start with the egg for a healthy pregnancy! 

Additionally, consuming foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, like wild-caught salmon and chia seeds, can increase blood flow to the uterus and improve the embryo’s chance of implantation. 

A healthy diet can not only aid in conception, but it can also support a healthy pregnancy and the development of a happy, healthy baby.

Your fertility success can be greatly improved with vibrant, healthy diet choices! As a 13-year fertility and women’s health expert, I highly recommend consuming foods high in omega-3 fatty acids such as salmon, pumpkin seeds, organic eggs, organic cooked dark leafy greens, nuts, and legumes to improve your IVF and fertility success. 

Increasing folic acid intake could also buffer any potential problems associated with IVF. Adding walnuts, flaxseeds, and chia seeds to your diet is an excellent way to increase your omega-3 fatty acid levels. Remember that food choices are essential for improving the success rate for embryo transfers and boosting overall fertility.

Fertility issues can seem daunting, including the two-week wait after your embryo transfer, but if you take the opportunity to make significant changes in your lifestyle to include healthier food options and consult experts like myself to increase your fertility and healthy pregnancy success, you will dramatically improve your conception. 

Make sure to take advantage of this powerful method because food is medicine when it comes to improving pregnancy success rates through IVF treatments. So don’t wait – schedule an appointment with me today to get started on increasing your success!

Want to learn more? I can help you if you are in the Denver area at my Denver-based clinic or from anywhere in the world; book a complimentary consult with me to learn more about how I can increase your fertility success and my highly successful signature Fertility program, The Fertile Energy Code Program!

Best Fertility Acupuncture | Garnet Moon Denver.


Hormonal Tests: Learning About Your Hormones

Garnet Moon Denver Functional Medicine and Hormone Balance. Lindsay Goodwin Fertility & Hormone Expert.
About Lindsay Wellbody

Understanding Hormonal Tests and Your Cycle.

One of the best things you can do for your body is to stay in tune with its natural rhythms. But understanding your hormones and fertility journey can be so frustrating! Learn how understanding hormonal tests and your cycle can make things much more manageable. Garnet Moon Denver is the Best Fertility & Women’s Health Acupuncture expert!


Empowering Your Hormones: Understanding Your Cycle. 

In this article, I will go over common hormonal testing I recommend or review for women in my clinic.

When it comes to understanding your hormones and menstrual cycle, a range of tests are available to help identify any potential imbalances for empowered treatment plans. At Garnet Moon Denver, we strongly believe in the power of collaboration with all members of your healthcare team, including your fertility specialist, gynecologist, reproductive endocrinologist, or medical doctor. Let’s explore the different tests that can help you gain insight into your health, overall wellness, and fertility if you’re trying to conceive or balance your menstrual cycle.

Hormonal Testing or Baseline Testing.

Hormonal Testing or Baseline Testing – is an initial screening tool before starting any fertility treatment or helping to identify where there are issues with hormonal imbalances. This test is typically conducted through a blood sample, but many tests can also use a collection of saliva and urine.

These tests measure hormone levels such as:

  • Estradiol (E2, estrogen)
  • Luteinizing hormone (LH)
  • Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
  • Progesterone (P4)
  • Testosterone,
  • Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)
  • Free thyroxine (T4)
  • Triiodothyronine (T3)
  • Prolactin (PRL)
  • AMH (Anit-Mullerian Hormone) for ovarian reserve if trying to conceive or when planning to have children.

The tests are usually done on specific days of your menstrual cycle, as hormone levels can vary throughout the cycle.

The results from these tests are not just numbers; they are a window into your hormones and fertility status. They provide valuable insight and allow for suggestions on how best to proceed with treatments that align with your goals, empowering you to make informed decisions about your health and fertility.

First, let’s briefly examine the menstrual cycle before diving more into hormone testing, which is a key part of understanding hormonal tests and your cycle.

    • Day 1: the first day you start the full bleed of your period.
    • Day 14: the average day many women ovulate, but this varies from woman to woman and cycle to cycle based on hormones, stress, etc.
    • Day 28: (depends from woman to woman) – some women have shorter or longer cycles than 28 days. However, having a cycle of fewer than 25 days or longer than 31 days could indicate hormonal imbalances happening if it happens often.
    • Back to Day 1: your period returns, and a new cycle begins.

Day 3-4 Testing: 

The day 3-4 tests measure estradiol (E2, estrogen), follicular stimulating hormone (FSH), and luteinizing hormone (LH). These tests show how your brain communicates with your ovaries. Testing on or around day 3-4 of your cycle can also be helpful in the diagnosis of PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome). It is important to note that even though estradiol (E2, estrogen) is generally tested on day 3-4 of your cycle, it can also be tested on days 19-22 or roughly 5-7 days after ovulation. Evaluating progesterone with estrogen can help to identify possible estrogen dominance, which can be a real problem in both trying to conceive and with hormonal issues like endometriosis, fibroids, and cysts. 

Additional testing may be suggested depending on individual circumstances. A vaginal ultrasound is usually done on the same day as the day 3-4 testing to check for ovarian activity through an antral follicle count (AFC) and to get a medical image of the uterus’s health. 

Mid-Cycle Testing:

Progesterone (P4) is generally at its peak 5-7 days following ovulation (7-DPO), so this test is recommended on days 19-22 of a typical 28-day cycle. Ovulation happens around day 14-16 of your cycle, but this can vary from woman to woman and cycle to cycle individually. The best way to gauge when ovulation occurs each cycle is through BBT charting, basal body temperature recording, and cervical mucus evaluation. Mid-cycle testing is done around day 14-16 of an average 28-day cycle (day 1 being the first day of bleeding). This test measures estradiol (E2, estrogen) and progesterone levels (P4/E2 ratio), which helps determine if ovulation has occurred or if further evaluation is needed, such as ultrasounds or bloodwork during other parts of the cycle. The results from this test may show hormonal imbalances that need further investigation, which can lead to targeted treatments that support reproductive health.

Tests to Consider Having Tested for Not Getting Your Period:

  • Prolactin 
  • Thyroid panel 
  • Luteinizing hormone (LH) 
  • Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) 
  • Estradiol (E2 Estrogen) 
  • Free testosterone 
  • Androstenedione 
  • DHEA-S 
  • Fasting Insulin 
  • HgA1C 
  • Pregnancy test 

Want to learn more? I can help you if you are in the Denver area at my Denver-based clinic or from anywhere in the world; book a consultation with me to learn more about how I can increase your fertility success and my highly successful signature Fertility program, The Garnet Moon Fertility Method!

Best Fertility Acupuncture | Garnet Moon Denver.

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Regulate Your Hormones & Ovulation in PCOS

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) affects 1 in 10 women of childbearing age. Regulate Your Hormones & Ovulation in PCOS. 

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a common disorder that affects women’s hormonal balance, fertility, and reproductive health.

Learn how to regulate your hormones & ovulation in PCOS — fertility treatment for PCOS. A combination of symptoms such as irregular or absent menstrual cycles, elevated levels of testosterone, and an accumulation of cysts on the ovaries characterizes it. When left unmanaged, PCOS can lead to long-term complications such as infertility.

Fortunately, acupuncture and Chinese medicine offer a natural approach to treating PCOS that can help restore your hormonal balance, regulate your cycle, aid in ovulation, and support your fertility journey.

What is PCOS & what is a fertility treatment for PCOS?

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a hormone imbalance affecting up to 10 percent of women between the ages of 18 and 44. Women with PCOS have higher than normal levels of male hormones (androgens), including testosterone, which can cause physical symptoms such as excess facial hair growth, acne breakouts, and weight gain. PCOS also causes changes in the production of other hormones like estrogen and progesterone, disrupting the regularity of your menstrual cycle.

How acupuncture treats PCOS naturally. Learn how to regulate your hormones & ovulation in PCOS. 

Acupuncture has been used for centuries in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to treat many health conditions like stress relief and pain management. It has also recently become popular as an alternative treatment for PCOS due to its ability to help regulate hormones naturally without medication or surgery.

Acupuncture works by stimulating specific points on the body with tiny needles, which helps improve circulation throughout the body and promotes overall health and well-being. The needles are inserted into key points around the body where they stimulate nerve endings, which trigger the release of endorphins – our body’s natural painkillers – that help reduce inflammation throughout the body. This helps relieve some common symptoms associated with PCOS, such as abdominal bloating, fatigue, mood swings, and PMS-like cramping, without any side effects—fertility treatment for PCOS.

Additionally, acupuncture can help regulate hormone production so that it returns to a balanced state, promoting regular menstruation cycles and even aiding in ovulation for those trying to conceive naturally!

While acupuncture is not a “cure-all” for treating all cases of PCOS, it does offer patients an alternative option when conventional treatments don’t seem to be working or when they prefer not to take medications or undergo surgery because its noninvasive nature makes it safe for almost everybody!

These herbs are primarily from natural sources like plants. Still, they can also include animal products like bee venom, so it’s essential to speak with your practitioner before starting any new supplementation regimen!

Get the answers you need with an expert in hormones & women’s health: fertility treatment for PCOS.

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) affects many women’s reproductive health today, but luckily, natural options are available for helping with this condition, such as acupuncture & Chinese medicine! Acupuncture works by stimulating specific points on the body, which helps promote circulation throughout your system & helps healthy hormone production, leading to more regular cycles & even aiding in ovulation if desired!

In addition, Chinese herbs and dietary modifications based on TCM principles may also be suggested to customize your treatment plan! With these tools, you will find yourself one step closer to achieving optimal fertility and restoring balance in your life!