About Lindsay Wellbody

Higher Fertility Fertilization Rates: Blood Supply & Circulation.

Why Blood Supply & Healthy Oxygen Levels Matter For Fertility Success. Also, discover why eggs from follicles with optimal blood supply and oxygen levels have higher fertilization rates in both natural conception and IVF.  


The Role of Blood Flow & Oxygenation in Fertility.

Blood flow and oxygen are essential for healthy ovaries and egg production. The better the blood flow to the ovaries, the higher egg quality and the higher embryo quality, which contributes to more successful pregnancies. Studies have shown that eggs from follicles with optimal blood supply and oxygen levels have higher fertilization rates in both natural conception and IVF cycles. This indicates that blood flow may be essential in successful fertility outcomes.

It is also possible that some women may not be producing enough viable eggs due to poor quality of the ovarian environment, which can lead to decreased fertilization rates or diminished egg quality (DOR). Various factors, including aging, genetics, lifestyle choices, or hormonal imbalances, can cause poor ovarian health. A decrease in ovarian health can lead to difficulty conceiving naturally and lower success rates with assisted reproductive technology (ART) such as IVF.

Once the egg is fertilized from an environment with optimal blood supply & oxygen, then the embryo has a better chance of developing into a viable pregnancy.

How Can We Increase Egg Quality?

Aging is a significant factor in egg quality, so it is essential to take steps early on to ensure your fertility remains intact over time. Women can boost their egg count with supplements such as CoQ10, melatonin, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamin D3. 

But, it is crucial to note you should discuss any supplements or additions to your healthcare routine with your medical doctor first, especially if you are being treated for a medical condition, on meditations, or undergoing a medicated fertility cycle. 

Additionally, lifestyle modifications such as regular exercise and eating a balanced diet full of fruits and vegetables can go a long way toward maintaining good overall health—including your reproductive health! Stress management techniques such as yoga or meditation can also help reduce stress levels known to affect fertility outcomes.

Fertility Acupuncture has been shown to increase blood supply significantly in the ovaries and endometrium (lining of the uterus). In fact, Fertility Acupuncture can increase your chances of achieving a healthy pregnancy by up to 60%! 

Questions to ask your fertility acupuncturist. Garnet Moon Denver and Lindsay Goodwin Best Fertility and Women's Health Clinic in Denver!

What is Fertility Acupuncture and TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine)? 

Acupuncture and TCM, with their rich history spanning over thousands of years, have been trusted for their ability to enhance longevity and wellness. However, it was only about 15 years ago that Acupuncture took on a new role in the world of modern science and medicine, particularly in the areas of Fertility, Women’s Health, and Pregnancy. This marked the birth of Fertility Acupuncture into modern science medicine, as fertility clinics and medical doctors began to recognize and integrate this ancient and highly effective healing modality into the success rates of their fertility treatments. 

Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese medical practice with over 2,000 years of history. It is designed to stimulate the body’s natural ability to heal itself by providing access to the life force known as Qi – pronounced ‘chee’ – that circulates through pathways called meridians in the body. 

Ultra-fine, sterile, highest-quality needles along these pathways on the body send signals to the body to influence blood flow and release blocking biochemicals such as endorphins. With increased blood flow and better circulation, the body is functioning at a higher state of wellness and producing better egg quality and fertility success. 

Fertility Acupuncture can significantly enhance a fertility journey with higher success rates! One massive benefit of using Fertility Acupuncture while TTC (trying to conceive) or undergoing ART (IVF, IUI, FET, or medicated fertility treatments) is improved blood flow and circulation, which generates better results for healthier follicles, eggs, embryos, and healthier pregnancy rates. 

In addition, Fertility Acupuncture also gives the body access to all its natural healing mechanisms, such as diminishing inflammation and pain, balancing hormones, activating the body’s biological responses, recovering faster from IVF and fertility drug cycles, balancing emotions, and strengthening the immune system. Healthy Blood Flow For Fertility Success! Best Fertility Acupuncture | Garnet Moon Denver.

Egg Quality In The TCM Clinic: Best Fertility Acupuncture | Garnet Moon Denver.

Egg quality in the TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) clinic falls under three categories of kidney energy, which in TCM is the genetics, life force, & root of fertility.

Kidney Jing Deficiency: 
  • In this category, women have DOR (diminished ovarian reserve – low AMH), poor response to IVF stimulation for egg collection, low estrogen, irregular cycle, thin endometrium, no distinct change to BBT chart of LH surge or change to luteal phase, poor egg quality, & few embryos.
Kidney Yin Deficiency: 
  • Most commonly seen infertility in the USA is due to stress, diet, lifestyle, & more women starting families in their 30’s & 40’s. In this category, women have higher FSH & lower AMH (egg quality), lower estrogen, a shorter follicular phase, thin endometrium, poor egg quality & embryos.
Kidney Yang Deficiency: 
  • Shorter menstrual cycle with luteal phase defect, low progesterone levels in mid-cycle, slow embryo growth in IVF, more common for biochemical pregnancies (low HCG), & higher miscarriage due to the body not being able to hold the Pregnancy from poor progesterone levels.

Want to learn more? I can help you if you are in the Denver area at my Denver-based clinic or from anywhere in the world; book a complimentary consultation with me to learn more about how I can increase your fertility success and my highly successful signature fertility program, The Fertile Energy Code Program!

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